“Maman” is the life story of a mother narrated by her little son, Ahmad. A life full of ups and downs that made out of her, at the beginning of the age sixty-five, a character, seemingly, the biggest obstacle to the happiness of her sons. In the wake of the detentions caused by the revolution, she had fired together with her husband, and following devastating war between Iran and Iraq and the loss of her home and life, despite of her love for Muhammad, she ended her marriage. The love and separation their result is three boys who are now in their middle age. Not long after his father’s death, Fereydoon, the oldest son, takes a leap in the dark and shares with his mother the story of his fondness for Fereshteh, one of his colleagues. Maman, who now is a taxi driver and is aware of the state of Fereydoon and the family, tries to stop him from getting married. But with the intervention of Ahmed and Peyman, the younger brothers, she agrees to play the role of mother of the family. This, however, is the beginning of the Fereydon’s marriage and every time something happens that makes her regretful of what she has done. Nevertheless, Fereydoon, who is at the beginning of the age forty, tries every time to make Maman to accompany with him, till he reveals to her his biggest obstacle: the obstacle that has little to do with her, but the key to overcome it is in the hands of “Maman”.